Thursday - Your Own Spirit


Devotional Passage: Ezekiel 13:1-9

Thus saith the Lord God; Woe unto the foolish prophets, that follow their own spirit, and have seen nothing! - Ezekiel 13:3


     Late on a dark December night, I stared down the country road and decided to turn right. It looked like the way to go, but a long detour in the dark had confused me. Almost every time I choose my direction by "feeling," I choose wrong.

     Exekiel was chosen by God to prophesy to his people in exile in Babylon. He ministered both before and after the final fall of Jerusalem. Some self-appointed prophets spoke reassuringly to the people, allowing them to ignore their own sin and to believe that soon everything would be wonderful for them again. Ezekiel faced the task of making the people listen to his somber, God-appointed message.

     Every day, I face that task with myself! I want to listen to my wishes, to my wisdom. There is a problem with that, though, and I know it. I get lost all the time, and only God knows the way to lead me home.


Today pray for wisdom to follow God instead of yourself.


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